Page 23 - Senior Times South Central Michigan June 2022 - 29-06
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  World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
is on June 15. On this day, communities, seniors, caregivers, governments, orga- nizations, and the private sector unite to prevent the mistreatment of and violence against older people.
Senior Times - June 2022 Updates on Your
Page 23
                     Your Partner in Health, Support, and Fun!
Senior Fitness & Fun!
  Free & Open to the Public Age 60 & Older!
Exercises Anyone Can Do!
Stretching • Flexibility • Balance and Strength Building Nurse Provided Health Screenings
Blood Pressures • Blood Sugars • Pulse Ox • Medication Mngmnt • Wellness Education Locations • Days • Times
            Battle Creek Woodland Church . . . . . . . Mon–10am LeroyTownshipHall................Mon–11am BattleCreekEagles................Mon–1pm Homer1stPresbyterianChurch.......Tu–9:30am BattleCreekTheVillageatMillCreek .Tu–11am Battle Creek Trinity Neighbor. Cntr. . . . Tu– Call
Battle Creek Kingdom Builder. . . . . . . . Wed–10am AthensLighthouseEventCenter .....Wed–10am Marshall Trinity Episcopal Church . . . . . Wed–1pm AlbionForksSeniorCenter..........Th–9:30am UrbandaleChristUnitedMethodist ...Th–Call
 New Class - KEEP MOVIN’!
Hickory Hills Village, 10450 6 Mile Rd., Battle Creek ... Tuesdays 10am
(Note: Keep Movin’ exercise is without nurse screenings)
SIGN UP TODAY! CALL 269.441.0948
   Tai Chi Classes* Locations • Days
   Homer Public Library. . . . . . . . . . . . . Mon LeroyTownshipHall.............. Mon Kingdom Builders, Battle Creek . . . . Tu
United Methodist Church, Marshall. . Wed TrinityEpiscopalChurch,Marshall .. Th *Must Preregister, Call 269.986.1583
 Support Groups
Parkinson’s Caregivers Healthy Eating
2nd Thurs. 4:30–6:00pm 3rd Thurs. 1:00–2:30pm 2nd Thurs. 10:30–11:30am
North Avenue Church of God, 1079 North Avenue, BC
Senior Health Partners Office BC Family YMCA, 28 Penn St., BC Forks Senior Center,
101 N Albion St, Albion
Anne Clark 269.986.3135 Anne Clark 269.986.3135 Kim Martinez 269.986.2856
The Senior Fitness and Fun program is funded by the Calhoun County Senior Millage.
scammers. Read our blog post at blog. know-about-signing-up-or-signing-in for more information about creating or signing in to your personal my Social Security account.
Vonda VanTil, Special to Senior Times
Vonda Van Til is the Public Affairs Specialist for West Michigan. You
can write her c/o Social Security Administration, 3045 Knapp NE, Grand Rapids, MI, 49525 or via email at
By: Denny Seivert, Richard A. Henry Funeral Home
Social Security scams are widespread across the United States. Scammers
use sophisticated tactics to deceive you into providing sensitive information or money. They target everyone – especial- ly the elderly – and their tactics continue to evolve.
Learn about other types of fraud on our Office of the Inspector General’s (OIG) Scam Awareness page at scam-awareness/scam-alert. You’ll
Here are five easy-to-use resources to prevent Social Security fraud:
• Check out our Fraud Prevention and
also see how to report these scams to our OIG and other government agencies.
Read our blog post to learn how to guard your Social Security card – and protect your personal information at whats-important-to-you/.
Reporting page to learn about Social Security fraud – and how we fight scammers at
Please share this information with your friends and family to help spread awareness about Social Security imposter scams.
• Read our Scam Alert fact sheet to learn what tactics scammers use and how to protect yourself at assets/materials/EN-05-10597.pdf.
• Create your own personal my Social Security account at count to stay one step ahead of
 First-Ever Alternative
  Richard A. Henry Funeral Home
& Cremation Services has partnered with Parting Stone – a Santa Fe, New Mexico-based start-up pioneering a tech- nology that offers a clean alternative to cremated remains following cremation. Families choosing cremation can now receive stone-like solidified remains that can be touched, held, and shared.
to Ashes
                            The Villa at Winston Court is a place seniors can receive the care and support needed to live fulfilling lives in a home-like environment.
208 Winston Court
Marshall MI 49068
 • Medication Management • 24/7 Pharmacy Services • Personalized Care Plans • ADL & IADL Support • Meals Services
• Housekeeping
& Laundry Services
• Daily Activities & Entertainment
• All Inclusive Pricing
 Family Owned & Operated
Solidified remains are now available as an option at the Richard A. Henry Funeral Home & Cremation Services. “There is a need for an alternative option for cremated remains as families are wanting to memorialize the life of their loved ones in different ways. By solidify- ing the remain into stone-like forms, sev- eral members of the family can receive
a memorial keepsake to take home or place in that special place once visited. Each family member can personize their stone by writing their own special mes- sage or memory on them.”
radical variation. All are unique.
“It is a profound opportunity to live with the remains of our loved ones, but
The solidification process returns the full amount of cremation remains in a solid and clean form that resembles a collection of polished stones. The aver- age person results in about 40-60 solids ranging in size from thumb-nail up to palm-size. The color of each person’s solidified remains is 100% natural and many result in white stones, but some are a hue of blue, green, or another
Following the death of his grandfa- ther, Justin Crowe realized that living with conventional cremated remains
can feel uncomfortable, so in many households they often end up hidden
in a closet for decades. Parting Stone worked with material scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory to develop solidified remains to empower families in their grief with a form of remains that can be touched and held.
conventional cremated remains make that experience uncomfortable,” says Parting Stone founder and CEO Justin Crowe. “We developed an alternative to conventional cremated remains to help families feel a meaningful connection with their departed. When you choose cremation, you no longer have to take home ashes.”
• Locally owned – not a part of a large corporation
• Family is important to us, you will receive personal and professional service
• Serving this community for over 58 years
• We live, shop, and support businesses within our community
• Conveniently located
• Respecting and honoring all faiths and cultures
 WhyChoose a Local Family-Owned Funeral Home?
     269-962-5191 • 703 Capital Ave., SW, Battle Creek •

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