Welcome to Scene Magazine’s Holiday Issue. Inside this issue you will find the Scene Magazine Christmas Story Contest Winners. Congratulations to the winners and a big thank you to all those who entered. And of course… the happiest season of celebration to everyone!
This issue of Senior Times is is full of solutions for your resolution goals. Whether you're hoping to address health and fitness or fun and family you will find ideas of support. You will even find suggestions to help with your desire to downsize, rightsize, or remodel.
Happy New Year!
Scene Publications seeks to have a positive impact on the community we serve. We seek to offer information to the reader that allows them to make their own choices regarding a variety of issues from health care to daily living. We strive to share activities happening across our service area to help community members find ways to get involved and to enjoy the community they call home.
Scene Publications offers a positive voice for our community through its signature publication, Scene Magazine. Scene Magazine began as a community cheerleader with the intention of helping to share all that our community has to offer. Scene Magazine seeks to recognize those that are making a difference. The Remember Book is a Scene Magazine extra that highlights the history of the greater Battle Creek, Marshall, and Springfield area.
Scene Publications later introduced Senior Times of South Central Michigan to help mature adults enjoy their aging years but also to learn about resources available for the changes that are yet to come. Senior Times searches for ways to advocate for the mature adult and to provide valuable information that will help them to plan for future decisions.
The Senior Housing Directory was later introduced as an extension of Senior Times to focus specifically on housing related issues. This annual publication helps to evaluate housing options, including the choice of remaining in the current home by making necessary changes. Planning documents are addressed as well.
We always welcome your input. Thank you for your interest in Scene Publications.
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